Sanjeev Krishna Yoga

Healthy eating tips during Ramadan

1. What are the important food that should be used during the holy month of Ramadan and needs to be focused on?

Food plays a major role in our daily life

“A sentient diet produces a sentient body“.

Healthy food for the mind and body is termed as Sentient food.

Food that is good for the body but not for the mind is called Mutative food.

and the Food that is not good for the body and mind is called Static food.

During Ramadan junk type of food should be avoided especially because we are fasting and the food should be really healthy. The most important food is dry dates since it is the best form of fructose immediately that can be taken for the deficiency of sugar that can be made up to have after the fast. 

One can have Dates, Fruits, Fresh-salads along with the other proteins foods. But one major meal is suggestive to maintain good health. 

“Eat only when hungry and drink only when thirsty” not for the sake of drinking or eating. Heavy oily foods should be avoided to maintain good health during this month.


2. Would you recommend a proper exercise while fasting

Yes, Early morning after the prayers but before the breakfast. Simple stretches like the standing stretches and spinal stretches would help to streamline the energy level and maintain the flexibility throughout the day followed by breathing exercises.  Tadasana , Triyaka Tadasana, Katti Chakrasana, spinal stretches like Suptha udharakarshanasana and sitting in the prayer posture called Vajrasana will help for easy digestion. Also Marjariasana will help to overcome spinal strain at all levels, followed by Yogic breathing, Bastrika and Kapalabathi.


3. What is the importance of yoga to maintain a balanced healthy life.

Yoga just means harmony in English, Harmony in anything whether in human relationship or in the functioning of your car, Harmony gives the optimum in any functioning. So yogic practices and simple disciplines maintain a balanced healthy life. Hence yoga helps to maintain that harmony and discipline in one’s life at any given time, place, situation and circumstances to maintain the balance and symphony or Union or coordination in all facets of life. Yoga is a knowledge for all to realize, understand and incorporate to make himself happy and peaceful. Also give to others like his near and dear ones, the society and the world around him to also be peaceful and happy.


4. What is the best way to keep the weight without increasing during this month?

During this month care should be taken to avoid eating too heavy and oily food. After the fast, Water and dry dates can be taken initially, followed by a bowl of fruits. After one hour a good meal without much Oily stuff added. Ramadan is the time to introspect on spiritual growth and in that period when an individual looks for spiritual growth by fasting and adherence to the principles, 
“The attention should not be food, but food just enough to maintain and upkeep the health” Then weight management becomes a byproduct automatically.


5. What is the food behavior that can What are the benefits and risks of fasting?

Food pattern as I mentioned above should be healthy in every way. Those who have health issues should take care specially not to overeat, else it can adversely affect their health.
Those who are healthy also should realize that “The attention should not be food, but food just enough to maintain and upkeep the health”. Fasting benefits in many ways, First of all, it give good rest to all the biological systems and organs of the body. It also brings in physical, verbal, mental and sensory discipline. So energy is not lost but retained and diversified for good objective on all activities of life during this holy month. The risks are the tendency to overeat, because if the mind is not disciplined it will make us eat more, and unhealthy eating can destroy health. So the objective of the Holy Month should be borne in mind so materialistic objectives are reduced to the minimal and spiritual objectives are given maximum weightage during the holy month of Ramadan.


6. General negatively that affects our lives during fasting

Here negativity should not be taken as negatives first of all. All these experiences is a learning process to develop a personality to higher challenges in life. So this period we are in `God’s own University learning, understanding, valuing, introspecting, and making us strong in mind and body”. In other words what we see as negative in fact is helping us to be more strong and capable of higher responsibilities which should be more appreciated. and thankfulness expressed for this value added learning by the advices rendered during this holy month of Ramadan.

There is nothing negative or positive. It is the attitude towards it that makes it negative and positive. Everything is for us either to learn or to motivate for higher existence as a loving human being to understand that every human life is not apart from me, but a part of me in all respects. This period enhances us to realize the value of this great human life that God has set apart for us to know HIM the Almighty better during this holy month. A gift par excellence.

8. Advises you can provide for people fasting to keep them healthy

The above mentioned questions and answers is the best way to keep all of us to be healthy, wealthy and beautifully manifest a lovely life for oneself and for all the fellow human beings in life. A lovely place and a great opportunity provided to experience a heaven on earth by the teaching of the holy Quran is a direct gift from God for us all to live as lovely human beings in this beautiful planet.

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