Sanjeev Krishna Yoga

Some frequently asked questions

There are many forms of Pranayama breathing techniques for beginners, which techniques do you recommend that we start with and why?

What is Pranayama? Prana means the vital life energy not only in you; anything that moves is prana. Prana is the life energy sustaining, maintaining life in the world. You can start with energizing paranayamas and purification pranayamas. These two are the fundamentals that can help you to keep up because all the imbalance: physical, mental, emotional affect your breath. If you are weak and tired the energy is low.

How can yoga really help with weight loss and diabetes?

 Of course, It can help.  I have an example of a person who lost 9 kgs in 12 days while doing the Rhythm of Yoga program. It works on the principle of Pancha Kosha Shuddhi which helps eliminate all the imbalances in the mind and body giving you the desired result. Anamaya Kosha is purification of the physical body, Manomaya kosha is a technique to improve the mind, body and intellect.

What exactly is a mudra? And how can they benefit in our daily life?

Mudra is a gesture, if you see your body has electromagnetic waves and current. Your five fingers represent the five elements; Earth elements (Bones and Muscles), Water elements (Blood), Air elements (Breath), Fire elements (Heat), and space elements (Emptiness within). Mainly the heat and breath sustain, so if you keep your finger and thumb touching, you’re rejuvenating the energy back into the system and this is a mudra. So, you’re diverting your own electromagnetic current of waves into your own system adapting certain gesture and posture in the hands. For example, chin mudra, Gyana mudra etc. We even have mudras in the body positioning are maha mudra, yoga mudra etc.  

How does one move from simply practicing hatha yoga to leading a more spiritually connected life? Does one have to be religious? Of course, reading patanjali sutras is important, especially following Niyamas and Yamas. 

What is Ha and thafirst of all? Ha means moon, tha means Sun; moon means cold and sun means heat, cold is death. Balance on a physical level brings in balance in breath. When a disciple accepts this on the level of mana, prana and sharira, the productive knowledge grows. If you are having pain and someone talks to you what you will say? I’ll talk to you later. If your mind is disturbed with some emotions running in your head will you listen with clarity? NO. A balanced state helps you to attain your physical strength, culminating into right breathing keeps you open to accept new apps finally culminating into a state of compatibility by default, So Hatha yoga leads to the highest development of personality. Bhakti yoga, karma yoga gyana mantra japa, hatha etc. all theses are traditional ways of yogic science to develop the harmony.

Ashtanga Yoga for every person is like a ‘May I help you counter’ to make you understand and is guidance rendered by the Great Saint Maharishi Patanjali who has compiled ‘Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras’, the aphorisms of yoga, in which he provides an eight-limbed approach, is not to be mistaken as a step-step approach but a multidimensional approach in which all eight limbs are practiced simultaneously. Yamas and its complement, Niyamas, are the self-management part and represent a series of ‘right living’ or ethical rules. Asanas – Yoga postures or postures, Pranayamas – Proper regulation of life force (Prana) through certain breathing techniques, Pratayahara – Taking the senses inwards, Dharana – A single focus, Dhyana – Meditation and Samadhi – the highest state of consciousness.

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